Friday, August 17, 2012


Putin set up the Russian people for a downfall when he stole democracy from them and took power. I heard that Exxon-Mobil offered to send in troops, but we know Rex already put a suit against our government because he could not have his way.  What day is it?  No voice for the people in Russia as a new Stalin dreams of world domination, new attack jets, new navy, new no votes in the UN, giving out time for the voice of freedom; Rex wrote a check, financed his election in backing him. Putin sent his navy towards Syria to validate extreme contempt for reality in the face of genocidal download, vote for a dictator in the UN while China got his back! We seasoned freedom fighters, died for the entire world in WW II, closed down the wall, stabilized civilization, to what end?  A KGB rascal stuck in the past, in charge of the people that stopped Hitler and he don't like Pussy?

Hard times every where, Russia, America....the world but he gives them hard labor years to let his own people know that Little Stalin will vanish your mother, father, sister, and brother because it is his time to disrespect destiny for all of us!  We not going to wake up here in America to fear of the police, fear of tomorrow because we die for freedom, not like the cowards who shoot up our movie houses or kill citizens while playing police, but as real men and women who want our children to know that freedom......freedom is the key to destiny.

Know where I am coming from?  Rex, Kingpin of the Oil/Gas Mafia taking my oil and gas right, Putin taking the oil and gas from the Russian people the same way, if you don't own the land or the mineral rights of the oil/gas then that is the question in Russia but here in America I do: Still ain't getting paid.  This is a illusion hoping that the Russian People are sleep like Exxon-Mobil is hoping I am asleep while what is mine and what is yours never realizes as what it means to survival in this world.

Power to you sister!  We got your back, never will we forget that you brought the Little Stalin, Pussy hating dictator out!  He can't lock up all the Pussy in Russia, he can't make Pussy go away, freedom will have its day for a people that gave so much for freedom in this world.   Long live the mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of the great nation of Russia!  Best get some of this Equity that Rosneft and Exxon-Mobil trying too use to keep us down, dig it?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Enrichment: Breach of Contract

Underlying Strategies in the Oil Field; Who Gets the Money?

They took everything from us with no regard for law or government. I should be a millionaire so many people say to me after my disclosure on Gladewater Gas Unit #5. It seems that way but when you are dealing with a stone cold predator with trillions in the bank; it ain't easy. Arrogance is the key way describe what this monster exhibits, it told the State of Alabama it wasn't going to pay it nothing for the fraud in their oil fields; it lost the case. The courts layed low for a minute then reversed the $13,000,000,000 judgment down to less than $5,000,000,000 all at the behest of the Kingpin. Its like fighting the Supreme Court here in Texas with a two year law student the way the way the rulings have been in the company's favor throughout the last forty years, there are a few settlements but those never made it to court. I would have to go down to Upshur County, turn my oil well on, sell it myself to get any action from the regulatory body here in Texas; Exxon-Mobil has put the fear in it. Still no response from my Senator, Kaye to busy for me.

I discovered structured development in the Haynesville Field which systematically left my lease out of the oil and gas bonanza; patterned enrichment. Lee put the law down to conceal his fraud at the lease and to ensure that Rex would not be the fall guy when /if my ramblings stirred up any notice that a swindle has gone down for the last thirty years in Upshur County. In my years of examining this Breach of Contact I really waited for the accumulative production in the field to prove that Gladewater Gas Unit #5 didn't share the same opportunities as other units in the Gladewater Field due to the fact that I am Black. Kingpin can take that and put it in its pipe and smoke it! There are all ways to defraud but time will reveal field dynamics when it is oil and gas, some will be enriched and others, in my case will be denied enrichment; destiny but no wealth. Lee made his point to stop my family but we are still here, what is left of us, he want destroy our destiny or succeed in this diabolical scheme at Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells, 1 & 2.