The twelve checks from the producer of a Oil/Gas lease in the Haynesville Shale paid as royalty on a 1/8 Th in a 640 acre mineral, Exxon-Mobil drilled the well in 1980 and thirty-five years later the total is $2.00. Where is this? Russia? Saudi Arabia? Nigeria? No. This is the New Slavery right here in Texas, if you black, Exxon-Mobil can drill on your land, strike gas and oil without ever paying you the fair share of the market value of the commodities: oil,condensates and gas. The people with land in Upshur County, Texas are blessed if they are not black, its a fact. That well at Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells 1 & 2, opened up the Bossier Shale and the Haynesville Shale with proven reserves of 10,000,000,000,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas and billions of barrels of oil. The land men Lee Raymond and Matthew Clark told my people the well would last five to seven years at the most but that was the scheme to warrant us signing the lease. Every unit in the area has been developed to take advantage of the 11,500 to 12,500 feet pay zone and are being paid by Exxon-Mobil as the oil/gas laws dictate, the entire City of Gladewater was unitized and on one side of Lake Gladewater the production is booming but on my side the oil well is plugged and the gas is trickled out, no development in thirty-five years. That is where the guilt comes in because records of field don't lie and somebody is being dis-enriched : me and my family. I keep my war against the Kingpin,Exxon-Mobil and its henchman Rex, not going. This fraud is wide spread against black family with land and mineral rights in Texas.