Friday, May 23, 2014

XTO: New Slavery Boss

What will a new oil and gas lease do for me? Let ExxonMobil off the hook is obvious, not signing until ExxonMobil pays up for 33 years of fraud.  Oil is either ID owner or you have none in America.  Oil is big money globally.

She said call her if she can do anything further, her job is to smooth a 33 year old fraud from going nuclear; her boss is ExxonMobil.  She e-mails con to me on XTO letterhead to confirm its complicity in the ongoing breach of contract at Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells #1 & #2. Every thirty days she can celebrate frustrating any effort I make to expose or express my rights as a black oil royalty owner at this lease is her mission.  

XTO, a XMO subsidiary is the cover-up with no good intentions for my family.  Why would it be any different: it relishes being the new master at GGU #5 and will be binded to legal challenges forthwith.

I told her, " The breach was acquired when your parent enterprise, ExxonMobil, relinquished Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells 1 and 2 to your control even though 33 years had elapsed without it paying my family a fair share of the profits from the production of the hydrocarbons; condensates, gas, and oil.  The lease is in underdevelopment as evident by the #2 well which produced from 1993 to 2006 as a gas well.  It was reclassified  as a oil well and subsequently shut-in in March of 2013 which signalled that our covenant has no value and portrays this subsidiary as a accomplice with no regard for me or my legal rights here in the USA.

The question will go nuclear as our plight is addressed to world opinion and examined as we are black being swindled like slaves.  Our only insubordination is the land and minerals belonged to us in 1870, any denial of our rights is from 1980 to 2014 is inclusive of our being black. It is no secret that Lee Raymond and Matthew Clark created an instrument to sustain a disenrichment that has lasted 33 years with us as the main target as a demonstration of ExxonMobil's contempt for my black family.  The rewards have been great for the "Company" at a generation of my people's expense with no regards for their welfare or respect as citizens of these United States of America.  No one owns us."

The evidence of fraud surfaced when unidentified taxpayer's began to gather gas from the lease in 1981 with regards to federal rules and laws. It has come full circle and ExxonMobil will have to unshackle me and my family, we are under no obligation to forsake our rights as American citizens.
