plays no favorite. Not the first……not the last born black in America, my
home. Now the powers that be take me for
one of their victims while I have witnessed 33 years of profits from the
condensates and gas add up to zero for my family. When a trick from a long line of tricks from “City”
orders Exxon-Mobil operations to fail in preparation for a gas well top produce
in paying quanities…..Exxon-Mobil failed to prepare the lease, Gladewater Gas
Unit #5, Wells 1 and 2, for production of the gas and eventually oil in paying
quantities. The City is Wichita Falls, Texas where the kingpin and I
derive. It is no coincidence because his
boss, Lee Raymond had ordered Exxon-Mobil to never pay my family for their fair
share of the profits on the production of oil and gas from the lease once he
recognized that we were black back in 1980 when the well was completed.
what does that have to do with reality?
How can a human being…. A family of human beings be degraded in reality?
I lived in Nigeria and saw first hand what happens when oil and gas is in the
ground and the people have no profit, government owns the oil and gas…just like
in Russia, billions and billions of dollars of profit….none ever reaches the
hand of the nation of people. Is this
Nig0geria? Is this Russia? That little change from the oil could have gotten my
dad a bill paid while fighting cancer, could have helped pay for college for
our brothers and sisters, could have saved granny from death in a nursing home,
could have given us the break that the other Exxon-Mobil oil and gas royalty
owners across Lake Gladewater, I wonder how much the City of Gladewater has
been paid since being Unitized by Lee and Rex when they realized that Upshur
County Shale extended 12,500 feet down in the Gladewater Field.
as well be in Russia the way nobody got paid in our family for their fair share
of the profits………Exxon-Mobil does not honor any oil and gas lease signed by
black in America.
matter what shale reserves are under a lease signed with a black mineral owner,
Exxon-Mobil will apply New Slavery to disenrich no matter if it is a producing oil or gas well
on that lease.
got game from Putin, “They get nothing.
We control all the oil and gas. We rule the world and if anyone thinks
we don’t…..we show them who we are!”
I said that Equity Alliance meant that Exxon-Mobil would curtail development of
Haynesville shale in Upshur county and pay only the royalty owners that are not
black. Strange as it sounds……after producing gas from 1993 well #2 has to be
reclassified from gas to oil, meanwhile the field rule are modified to allow
three wells on the adjacent lease across from our lease which failed when
Exxon-Mobil did not prepare to produce oil in paying quantities………..might as
well be in Nigeria. It is nothing but
New Slavery in 2013.

is a joke to this man after Exxon-Mobil paid him millions for delivering the
East Texas Oil and Gas Reserves to the long term benefits of Putin and the Red
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