Slavery: COVER-UP at Gladewater Gas Unit #5
my forefathers were punished it was done to make any slave think twice about
running away. They were dehumanized and oppressed from the cradle to the grave
within that corrupt system: slavery. We
built the south up from wilderness with our unending labor, sun up to sun down,
and no payment. The land owners built
enormous wealth off the labor of their slaves and considered them less than
human, breaking their spirits, tearing their families apart, breeding them like
animals, killing them for any reason that came along to serve their sadistic pleasures.
It took a war to break this obscene disgrace to humanity, thousands loss their lives
to bring freedom to these slaves and secure the future of our nation.
one of the most notorious bastions of slavery, Upshur County, Texas which
eventually became the East Texas Oil Fields in 1931, a New Slavery was rooted
and sustained by those who miss the old days of slavery. The deed, signed by my great-great
grandmother Rebecca Allen is dated 1870 but from all indications it might as
well have been a blank sheet of paper in 2014, with oil selling for a $100 per
barrel. The combine of ExxonMobil and Gilmer (County Seat) have systematically
since 1980 when my family signed an oil and gas lease returned to the old ways:
slaves have no rights. I say this because
after 33 years we have received pennies on the millions at Gladewater Gas Unit
#5, Wells 1 & 2. The record will show that we were never paid our fair
share of the profits from the commodities: gas, condensates, and oil. We are in
a nightmarish New Slavery right now in America with no one to back us, we lost
a generation, Granny died broke, my mother died broke, and they had so much
hope for what America promises in 1980. It might as well have been 1800, the
way we have been denied our basic rights, and we might as well still be on the
slave roll, living to make the master rich, dying with nothing but pain and
ExxonMobil is covering up this blatant breach of covenant by using its subsidiary,
XTO Energy, now controls the lease and production after a year since the oil
well was plugged. Oil well plugged? No way are oil wells being plugged in 2013
with the price of oil so high, not ExxonMobil! The Kingpin of the Oil/Gas Mafia
can sign deals with Putin so he can finance the Olympics, it is called “The
Equity Deal”, former KGB leader, Red Mafia Boss, is more a citizen of America than
we are right now. He gets his money up
front in their new alliance with no interference from the feds but let me ask
the feds to investigate my case, no way will it do anything: America? We have been disenriched, destiny lynched,
while the New Slavery got rich and punished us because we are Black. You think it doesn’t hurt to imagine what my
family should have lived in this free nation? The days of slavery are right in front,
they are back for us and ExxonMobil is covering up how it robbed and tried to
break the will of a Black Man.
· 1869:
Rebecca Allen purchases land in Upshur County, Texas
· 1903:
Hattie Allen gives birth, Essie; my grandmother
· 1912:
Hattie Allen dies leaving three children 80 acres
· 1931:
East Texas Oil Field discovered
· 1951:
Warranty Deed: Isabell Cannon
· 1980:
ExxonMobil drills well on land offers lease
· 1981:
Title cleared: A.D., Kizzie, and Essie sign oil and gas lease with ExxonMobil
· 1989:
ExxonMobil demands proof of life documents for Essie Davis
· 1993:
Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Well #2 is drilled
· 1981-2006:
Lease production exceeds 10,000,000,000 cubic feet of gas and 50,000 barrels of
· 2006:
Well#2 reclassified with approval from Texas Railroad Commission as an oil well
· Division
Order Payments: 1981-2006-----------$250.00
· 2011:
Notification of Breach of Covenant (Certified mailed to ExxonMobil)
· 2013:
Oil well at lease plugged. Price of oil: $105.00/Bbl.
· 2014:
XTO Energy, is assigned control of Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells 1 & 2

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